Page:Sibylline Leaves (Coleridge).djvu/249

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He reach'd his home, and by his looks
They saw his inward strife:
And they clung round him with their arms,
Both Ellen and his wife.

And Mary could not check her tears.
So on his breast she bow'd;
Then Frenzy melted into Grief,
And Edward wept aloud.

Dear Ellen did not weep at all,
But closelier did she cling.
And turn'd her face and look'd as if
She saw some frightful thing.


To see a man tread over Graves

I hold it no good mark;
'Tis wicked in the Sun and Moon,
And bad luck in the dark!

You see that Grave? The Lord, he gives,
The Lord, he takes away:
Oh! 'tis the child of my old age
Lies there as cold as clay.

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