Page:Side talks with girls (1895).djvu/101

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The Small Faults of Girls

young people about her and make them have a good time. But this girl who was making fun of her forgot the kindness and only remembered the little follies, reversing the judgment that would be passed upon her at the last great day.

You are lacking in respect to a clergyman when you go to church and do not pay proper attention to his sermon. You are lacking in respect to your hostess when, having provided some good music for your pleasure, you leave the room, sit on the staircase, and chatter with a group of young people quite as disrespectful as yourself. You are very rude if you permit yourself, by spreading out your draperies, to occupy two seats in a car, and permit an old gentleman to stand. You think that these are little faults; so they are, but the specks upon the grape where the sharp little teeth entered were almost invisible.


There are more ways of being extravagant than by spending money. Extravagance of speech is a common fault among young girls. Something is seen and when it is described later on it would scarcely be recognized by any other looker-on. Extravagant words have been used, the situation has been made dramatic, and what was an ordinary, every-day occurrence is, by your extravagant