Page:Side talks with girls (1895).djvu/176

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FROM all over the country letters come to me from girls who are going to have an outing: and as almost everyone of them has saved the money for her trip by many sacrifices she wants to obtain the greatest possible amount of pleasure from the expenditure of it. Now, she cannot do this unless she knows how to travel, which, by-the-bye, doesn't mean just the buying of a ticket and the going from one place to another, but also means doing it in the most comfortable manner, and the most comfortable manner, curiously enough, is always the easiest. To spend money so that the greatest amount of pleasure and comfort may be got from it is an art, and, oddly enough, an art that is usually well understood by girls who have plenty of money, and not very well understood by those who have not. Personally, I think there is economy in securing a seat in a parlor-car, for then one is comfortably