Page:Side talks with girls (1895).djvu/182

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Side Talks with Girls

black and blue, made in the simplest fashion, is most useful. When she is ready to go to bed, the porter arranges her berth for her and she goes to the toilet-room, taking with her her shawl-strapped package. She removes her shoes and stockings, puts on the knitted slippers that she has taken out of her bag, removes any garments which she pleases, and assuming her wrapper, which has been folded in her shawl-strap, repairs to her berth. After fastening the buttons of the curtains, she disposes of her clothing as best she can, folding each article smoothly and carefully, and placing her money, watch, and tickets in her wrapper pocket. And then she should try to rest—the porter will call her in good season, and her ticket will not be asked for during the night. In her strap, which shows as its outer wrapping a shawl or travelling rug, she may have her own pillow if she desires it. But this is not a necessity, as the cars are supplied with linen that is usually fresh and clean. In the morning the wise girl will put on her stockings and shoes in bed, leaving the lacing or buttoning of them until later. Then she will assume her other garments and repair to the toilet-room, where she should as expeditiously as possible make herself neat, trim, and fresh, that her friends who are to meet her may not find her dusty, nor travel-stained. This must be done quickly, that she may not be classed among the women who are the dread of all