Page:Side talks with girls (1895).djvu/252

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Side Talks with Girls

good will and enjoy it, this pleasure that he has provided for you. If not, make yourself happy in your home, and make that home a pleasant place for his friends to come. If you do this he will not seek his friends outside.

Most women forget the value of making friends of their husbands' friends. Possibly there may be one or two whom you dislike with good reason. Don't show this dislike, but after a while tell your husband of the faults or the weaknesses that you have noticed, and you two may either form a band to help the man, or if he thinks it wise, gradually drop his acquaintance. No man wishes his wife to be surrounded by men who are not desirable.

It seems to me that your motto for this first year should be that very old-fashioned one, "Be patient." Be always patient, and in time the fruits of your patience will be a happy home, a loving husband, respect from your friends, and respect and love from all who are united to you by the ties of law and love.