There comes to every one of us a time when life seems full of darkness, and all the asking for light remains unanswered. There comes a time when everything we do is darkened, when hope seems gone, and life itself is made up only of the dark and dreary times. These days always come with the greatest intensity to the girl who is most enthusiastic and most emotional. And these are the times when she needs to pray continually for help to hold on to her belief. Sometimes this condition comes from purely physical reasons, again from mental ones; sometimes one is so tired with working and seeing no apparent result, and, again, one grows weary of calling for help and apparently getting none. The wisest girl once in awhile grows weary in well-doing. Unbelief walks like a skeleton everywhere.
The true faith may be yours, it may be mine. The good Samaritan had it, for he took care of the poor and the sick and asked no questions. It is the faith that makes men and women live better lives, do more good in the world, and teaches them to let their own lives be the lanterns to guide the doubting over the troublesome path. Are you going to let the world scoff at your faith? Are you going to let it be only the spoken and not the