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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

stand on the altar and give the congregation a chance to shake hands and bid us good-bye. It was very affecting, nearly every one, Christians and sinners, came and took us by the hand and said, “God bless you.” Many strong men who were sinners broke down weeping and said for us to pray for them.

One old man who had scoffed in the meetings came to the tent and confessed, weeping, saying that he believed it was the work of God.

Another man stood there weeping and said he had stayed away from work to be saved that morning. I believe that he, with others, would have been saved there if I had had time to pray with them. They, with many others, said that they would not stop until they knew that they were saved.

An infidel doctor called that morning. He brought my book and picture and said that he was convinced of the wonderful work and would write to me when he was saved.

A Catholic lady gave me a beautiful basket filled with lovely flowers, nicely arranged, she said as a token of her love for me and respect of the noble work that we had done in the city. I cannot tell how I appreciated the token of love. She was a lovely looking lady, and as I kissed her my heart was strangely drawn to her. I felt that I would meet her in heaven where the flowers bloom forever.

My co-workers sang “God be with you till we meet again,” and they all joined in the singing. All who were standing about the station took off their hats. The singers broke down crying, one after another, until nearly every one in the station was weeping. Strong men wept aloud and the power came upon us. I came near being over-powered.

The number of conversions were in the thousands and we formed a union band of the converts and Christian workers. They met several times a week for the salvation of sinners. The first night they met there were six in trances and several converted. God was with them in wonderful power. God keep them as shining light is my prayer.