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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

“In the day when the keeper of the house shall tremble and the strong men shall bow themselves.”

The Odd Fellows buried him, many of whom had known him for years, while he was teaching infidelity. When they heard of his triumphant death, they wept. Many were convicted of their sins and convinced of the reality of religion. Nearly all of the congregation marched out to the cemetery where I made a few remarks at the grave. Strong men were weeping; the power of God fell on all.

We organized a Church of God, appointed two elders and two deacons, and arranged for a new building in which to worship. We closed our meeting of seven weeks February, 1889. The church continued to hold meetings in the hall where we held our meeting. The Lord gave them many souls. They had a large Sabbath-school.

Several went out as preachers and evangelists and met with good success.

The ministers of the city met and tried to crush me and the work, They brought history, doctor books and the devil’s works to prove that the power of God had been taken from the church. When they got their ammunition ready they chose Doctor B. of the Christian church, the great theologian and champion debater, to fire off the cannon. He announced that he was going to prove me a fraud and drive me out of the city on the strength of it. He drew a large crowd and took up a special collection. Many of the citizens took notes and brought them to me. They said it was the thinnest thing they ever heard, and were disgusted. The night I was attacked our hall was packed, the people thinking that I would denounce him. After the congregation had gathered God gave me a text which I had never used. Psalm lxvi. 16: “Come and hear all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.”

I gave a sketch of my experience from my birth to that time. People were weeping in all parts of the house. I do not think there was one there who did not believe God had called me to the work, and that he was with me in mighty power working wonderfully in the midst of the people., I did not intend to reply to Doctor B.’s arguments. I had said that I would meet anyone on the Bible. He had gone outside of it for nearly all his proof. The citizens were very anxious for me to reply. Finally I an-