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Preface to Fifth Book

This book was compiled after I was out in the ministry for about twenty-five years, and contained a summary of God's dealings with His hand-maiden during this period. Besides all these volumes, God led me to get out at various times "Song Books" which He so strikingly used to bring down "Heaven's power" on the people.

Preface to Sixth Book

While at Dallas, Texas, nearly three years ago (1913), in the midst of a great revival, there was such a demand for some of my past volumes, which were all out among the people, and out of print, that I felt moved by the Holy Spirit to write the sixth volume, "Acts of the Holy Ghost," of which ten thousand were printed. The supply of this volume is now nearly exhausted, so I wrote the present volume, "Signs and Wonders."

Preface to New Book

June, 1916.

Our God "is moving on" and in displays of His power is showing that the end of this age, with its world-form of governments, is drawing nigh.

The rightful King will come soon, and our Lord Jesus will take His Kingdom. Preparing to meet God is the true "preparedness."

At the close of this "Gentile Age," "Signs and Wonders" are being wrought in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ "as at the beginning." Most of the narrative of God's wonderful work and leadings follow consecutively, some sermons being appended as before. No attempt has been made at literary style or embellishment.

Pray that God may graciously use the circulation of this book and, where practical, forward its tidings by introducing it to others.