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praised God for the great work he did. Hundreds begged us to remain longer. We organized a Church of God with over two hundred members.

The last day of the meeting will ever be remembered by many. The tent was full. Several hundred testified to the power of God to save the soul, and many to the healing of the body. Jesus says, “Ye are my witnesses.” It made our hearts rejoice to hear "so many ringing testimonies.

At the closing service I preached from these words, “Little children, it is the last time,” The congregation seemed to realize that we were parting to meet again at the Judgment. Sadness rested upon the multitude as I exhorted the Christians to stand firm and hold out to the end, and plead with the sinner to come to Christ before it was too late; and thanked the different classes for every act of kindness shown to us while we were engaged in the great battle against the powers of darkness.

Christians and ministers from different churches thanked God we ever came to their city, and through us God had done such a wonderful work.

We felt the Lord was calling us to work in the State of Florida. We shipped our goods from Topeka, Kansas, to Jacksonville, Florida. We went by the way of St. Louis and stopped and held meetings for the Church of God five days. It was then one year and six months since I preached the first sermon in St. Louis, and the meetings had been going on every night since. It was nine months since I organized the church. We found nearly all the converts faithful and the church prospering spiritually and financially.

I wept for joy as I listened to the wonderful testimonies, how God had saved and kept them all these months. Many of them had been drunkards as low down as they could be. You could see no trace of a dissipated life. Many who had been hopeless invalids for years, those who had been lame and deaf, and blind, afflicted with all manner of diseases, praised God for making them every whit whole and keeping them well.


We visited Florida, New York City, Ohio, Illinois, Oregon, Kansas and then we commenced meeting in St. Louis, April 6th, 1893, in the Church of God Bethel. We found a large crowd,