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swelling left her body at once; the power of God took possession of her body, her youth was renewed and she shouted and praised God. While we did not understand her language, many were made to weep to hear her shout and to see the tears of gladness running down her dear old face. She went to work to bring her family to Christ. The next day she brought two of them to the altar, and they were saved and healed. One was healed of St. Vitus’s dance, the other of consumption. Next she brought her daughter, 59 years old, and two sons followed. Several others of the family accepted Christ. Although she accepted Christ at the eleventh hour she has won a number of stars for her crown.

We have told only a few of the wonderful cases of divine healing that God wrought in the tent-meeting.

The healing power was not confined to the tent alone, but many people in the city, and in other States, were healed instantly while we were engaged in prayer for them in the tent. Many drunkards were saved, and the appetite taken away. Many were saved who had been church members for years.


Space forbids writing of missions at Ohio, Indiana, California, etc., and I give a summary of first fourteen years’ work.

It is over fourteen years since I started out to stand between the living and the dead, to point sinners to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. I have been going from one battlefield to another almost day and night. During this time I have traveled about thirty-five thousand three hundred and twenty-two miles, and held meetings in thirteen States; have stood before hundreds of thousands. The power of the Holy Ghost has gone out from these meetings all over the United States, and been felt in many places across the mighty deep in awakening power. God alone knows how many thousand souls have been born into the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, and how many bodies have been healed by the power of the Lord. Thousands have been saved, from the age of fifty to eight-five; some past ninety. More than two-thirds that have been converted were past middle age.

Hundreds have gone out as ministers and evangelists in America, and to nearly all nations, and to the West Indies and