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tion, and then she had but little hopes. They told her she was in danger of dying any day of hemorrhages. They said it was not possible for her to live longer without the operation. The day she was saved she had been to see the doctor about putting the operation off till the weather got cooler, but he urged her to have it done at once. She asked him if she would live through it, he told her he did not know, she would have to risk it. She came to the meeting in a very sad state of mind. She knew she was not ready to die, but when the Lord struck her down, she yielded herself soul and body to Him, and she was saved and healed. She rose to her feet perfectly well and happy. The Great Physician cured her without the knife.

She came to the meeting through rain as well as sunshine, and did all her own work. Her face shone with the glory of God, as she told how Jesus healed and saved her.

A lady came over one hundred miles, greatly afflicted with a tumor in her throat, and one under her arm. She had had no use of her arm for eight years; it was always cold and looked like the hand of a corpse. As I prayed and told her in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to stretch forth her hand, she did so, and it was made whole like the other. She clapped her hands above her head, giving glory to God. She told the people her hand had been asleep for eight years, but was made whole. She testified often and told she was well, that she could feed herself and comb her hair, and that she had been baptized with the Holy Ghost. A lady in Muscatine, who had a withered hand for fifteen years was healed. The bone of her wrist was raised and the fingers were drawn crooked. The hand had been cold and helpless all these years. I took hold of her hand and prayed, and in a moment it was whole as the other. The woman was healed in the presence of several thousand men, women and children, who wept and shouted for joy, at this manifestation of God’s power, just as they did when Jesus was on earth.

One day a lady came to the. meeting suffering greatly from a fractured arm and shoulder, and her wrist had been broken and her fingers crushed, for she had fallen down a long flight of steps with all her weight on her arm and hand. She was very heavy, and she met with this accident eight months before. The arm and hand were very much swollen and inflamed. The doctors gave her no hopes of ever being able to use the arm or hand.