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was so great she could not be still one minute. When she came to the meeting and to the altar, we laid on hands and in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, commanded the tumorous spirit with all its works and pain, to come out of her. She was made whole and arose shouting and praising God, who had so wonderfully healed her. She stayed several days without a sign of the tumor, gave many ringing testimonies, and started home to tell what great things the Lord had done for her. The audience looked on in wonder and amazement, at the mighty miracles God was performing at our hands.

A woman brought her boy, six years old, full of tumors all over his body, the most awful sight you ever saw, so deformed. They, were in his throat and in his windpipe, he had a bad cough with it, nearly choking him to death; he had been treated by twenty doctors and had three operations performed. He could not rest a minute, night or day. From the first time we prayed for him he never suffered any more, but slept like a baby! Was quiet day and night. The people could see how fast the tumors were disappearing. It was a great mountain, but in the name of Jesus it was removed and cast into the sea.

Scores of deaf people of all ages were healed—those born deaf, from babies to forty or fifty years of age. Others whose eardrums had been destroyed in different ways, had them restored, and were made to hear. A lady from South Dakota had been deaf in one ear for forty years, and her arm had been paralyzed for nineteen years; she could not raise it to her head, but she was instantly healed.

Over two thousand came or were brought to the altar. We prayed for her; and most all were converted or reclaimed. Nearly all were healed of from one: to a dozen chronic diseases. Hundreds were converted and healed, at the same time; receiving the double cure; Salvation for Soul and Body; like the paralytic son to whom Christ said: “Son, thy sins are forgiven thee; rise, take up they bed and walk.” “Which is easier to say, “Thy sins are forgiven thee,” or, to say, “Arise and walk.” You see one was as easy for the Lord to do as the other, and He did both at once, for He Himself took our infirmities, and bear our sicknesses.” Matt. 8. 17.

The Lord intended the Healing of Soul and Body to go together, that the world might believe He was the Same (Heb.