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We received pressing calls to come to St. Louis to hold meetings during the World’s Fair. We felt the calls were from God to go where all the nations of the earth were represented and gathered together. It was a good time to gather the children of the Lord together in one place, where we might receive the Pentecostal power; the Anointing; the Early and Later Rain in the same month, as the Lord promised to give those who asked in these last days; so small that the Called and Chosen would scatter out from here to all parts of the world, scattering the power of the Holy Ghost ; with the true doctrines of our Saviour, Jesus Christ; giving the Last Call, blowing the Gospel Trumpet and giving the Last Warning that the Great Day of the Lord is near.

We remained in the city over six months, holding two meetings a day. The Lord was with us in power from the first meeting. Many hundreds were brought out in a higher experience, were made to rejoice in the saving and healing power of God.

All kinds of diseases were driven out of the bodies of men, women and children, proving that Jesus is just “The same to-day;” the Great Physician to heal both soul and body; to give the double cure, saving power for soul, and health for the body; and that these signs do follow them that believe in his name. “They shall cast out devils.” “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” The Lord Jesus purchased these blessings on the Cross, and left them in His Will for all who will meet his conditions. “Saying himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses,” Matt. viii 17 and “By his stripes ye were healed.” I Peter 2. 24.

A woman received her sight who was /born blind. Her eyes were red and swollen, and she suffered great pain.

Children were healed that were sick from birth; some of them crippled, or lame from birth.

Several men and women who were deaf all their lives received their hearing. Many lame and crippled with paralysis or rheumatism

and spinal troubles; others with infirm spirits were made