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saw; he had been executed by men and was in heaven. Some I had never thought to meet in heaven, I saw. Others who were thought to have died innocent, I did not see.

The Lord said to me, “Go back and warn the people of my coming soon. If they spit in your face, say Amen; and I will be with you. Wonderful things will be done in the meetings at St. Louis. There will be a hard battle, but hold up my power; and sinners, make your peace with me before it is too late.”


We rejoice daily at the marvellous manifestations of the presence of God in our midst. I never saw such wonderful works as those God has wrought in Sister Woodworth-Etter’s meetings during the last two weeks. God the Father is glorifying Jesus Christ, in healing all manner of diseases, in saving souls, in giving peace, love and joy to repentant sinners. “Ye are also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.” II.-Cor. I:11.

The Lord Jesus is pouring out his spirit on these meetings. He showed it to one sister in a vision, and we at the meetings see it. About a dozen have fallen as dead, and laid for hours on

the floor, and had visions and revelations. Sometimes the Spirit will take possession of a man just after he has finished singing, with hymn book in hand and hand upraised, and hold him as a statute for fifteen or twenty minutes; others standing up or kneeling have been held in this way. Yesterday two women were converted sitting in their seats, and got the witness of the Spirit, and knew they were born from above. Sister Etter herself went under the power at the afternoon meeting, on March 24th, and had to be laid on the platform for over an hour. She had a vision, and the Lord showed her many things, and especially with regard to. the immediate future of the work in St. Louis.

All those who have had visions and revelations bring back the message to warn the people that Jesus is coming soon; that sinners make their peace with him, and that those who are saved get established and anointed with power and sealed with the knowledge that he is coming soon, that they may be found faithful and true at his appearing.

All that have had revelations while under the power bring