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Michigan, and other states. Many drive forty and fifty miles: and they were here yesterday from Galveston, Houston, and many other towns in Texas.

On August 12th three men brought a man dying with consumption and fistula, two hundred miles in a baggage car on a cot. He came from Mercury, Texas, and looked like a dead man when they carried him into the tent on the cot. He was in the very last stages of tuberculosis, and nothing much but bones. When prayed for, the power came and he jumped from the cot and ran up and down before the people, praising God. He returned home sitting up like other passengers, and is gaining four pounds a week, and the fistula was healed over the next morning, and never had to be dressed again. The country was stirred, and about twenty-five more have come from that vicinity. Night before last a delegation from that county came with two deaf and dumb mutes. One was thirty-four years old and the other a beautiful looking young lady of seventeen years. God opened the ears of both. The young lady was saved and healed at the same time, and is very happy. They were both at our home this morning, and I played on the organ for them. Many others have been healed of deafness.

Yesterday was the most wonderful day I ever saw in this work. God came with the melting and slaying power. Twenty-one were struck down like Paul by the power of God, and lay from one to ten hours. They had wonderful visions of heaven and of Jesus and all came out with shining faces and filled with the love of God. Twelve of these received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time. Never saw such power displayed. It looked like a battlefield to see them fall and lie as dead God said, “The slain of the Lord shall be many.” Sinners look on and weep as they see the wonderful works of God.

A woman seventy-five years old suffering with rheumatism twenty years, was brought two hundred miles, and was healed in the first service. She came through the healing of the consumptive above referred to.

A boy totally deaf from birth was brought a his father from Martinsburg, Texas. God healed him perfectly, and his parents have written back to us that his hearing is perfect, and he is learning to talk.

A woman from Palmer, Texas, was healed of pellegra and