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Feeling that it was God’s plan for her to come, we wrote her concerning it, and in April, 1912, I visited her meeting, then being conducted in Indianapolis, Ind. During the three days’ visit I witnessed some wonderful healing by the power of God, and met personally many who were wonderfully healed by the laying on of hands. Brother and Sister Etter also felt that God was leading to Dallas, so they came and began labor with us July 25th, 1912.

Throngs packed the large tent from the first, two or three thousand often standing around the tent. Great numbers of the sick and afflicted came, and were brought, on cots and in different ways, reminding us of the scenes described in the Gospels, when our Lord was upon earth.

Night after night, as soon as the invitation was given, all the available space around the fifty foot altar would be filled with so many suffering with diseases and afflictions and others seeking salvation and the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, that it was difficult to get in and out among the seekers. For several weeks there have been too many to be prayed for, for healing, and some each night have had to go away disappointed, and come again.

There were so many sick, that there was always a rush for the altar as soon as the invitation was given. Many have been wonderfully healed before the service began, and sometimes there has been no preaching—nothing but the altar service.

A hundred seekers often come to the altar at one time. Many have been saved and healed at the same time and have got up shouting and clapping their hands. Many who were not saved came to be healed. After listening to the Gospel they have realized that their souls were in a worse condition than their bodies and have dropped the matter of being healed until they made their peace with God.

The news of victory went out, and hundreds have already come from all over the United States, many bringing their sick hundreds of miles, some on cots in the baggage cars. Twenty states have been represented in a single service, coming on purpose to attend the meetings. Many ministers have come and gone and have received greater faith and power for the service of God. Many members of churches have come for healing and God has shown them that they had never been born of the Spirit.

In almost every service for nearly three months, the slaying