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truth of Christ’s declaration that “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also,” thus, “By manifestation of the truth commending herself to every man’s conscience in the sight of God,”

Although the revival here has continued every night for many months, the interest and power continues. Last night, hundreds were turned away, unable to get into the new tabernacle, which seats a thousand people.

Sister Etter is always seeking, and is continually urging the saints to seek more of God. Concerning the doctrine which she preaches, nothing needs to be said, for, as it was in the first century, God Himself bears witness “Both with signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost.”

Joyfully expecting to meet the readers of this book in the clouds, when mortality shall put on immortality, and we shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and in our glorified bodies shall be forever with the Lord and with the redeemed, I am,
Your brother in Christ,
F. F. Bosworth.


A minister of the gospel, who has been in the Lord’s work for eleven years past, writes :—

We have met with most of the leaders of the Apostolic Faith Movement, but never before met with anyone so deep in wisdom and in the knowledge of the things of God as Mrs. Woodworth-Etter.

Never have we seen the power of God manifested to such an extent as in these meetings. Her preaching is always in the demonstration of the Spirit, and in power.

One can sit and feast on the strong meat of the Kingdom, which she, a servant of Jesus, is giving to the Household of Faith here.

At one meeting at the time of the altar call she laid hands on and prayed for God to baptize some seekers with the Holy Ghost, and three in succession so prayed for fell and lay prostrate under the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and received the baptism. It is noticed that after she has prayed for certain ones and laid hands on them the power of the Holy Ghost comes upon