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dripping down, and the writers just gave me so long a time to take my crowd, and to get out, or they would tear down our tents and kill us all.

For awhile I trembled, and did not know what to do. We had been having three: meetings a day, for many weeks, and I was prostrated with the steady work, the responsibility of the meetings, and worry, never knowing when a mob would come, and rush in on us; or some coward would slip in on us at night; for we all slept in our little tents. We had six small tents, not affording much protection.

I called a few of the brethren, that had power and influence, and showed them the letters. They gave the matter into the hands of the police, and the police watched for them. About two a. m., a wild mob slipped up, and they were surrounding our tents, ready to kill us all, and destroy the tents. They thought they had it all their way, but before they knew anything more, the police had them surrounded.

I did not know what plans had been laid but felt so sure the Lord would protect us that the helpers and I went to our tents, and went to bed, and were asleep when the mob came. Oh! we can be calm, and praise the Lord amidst the tempest.

At another time for some reason, some of the drunken police got mad at some of the workers, and they hated us all. It was dark and rainy, and they gathered up a mob, and were going to tear down the tent, and mob us all. They left part of their number outside some distance from the tent; the rest came in, and were to give the sign for those outside to rush in on the tent.

I did not know what plans had been laid, but felt secure. The brothers kept their plans from me; they were prepared to protect me, and to die if necessary.

A lot of big, burly police came running in with their rain coats on, and their billies hid under their coats. Some sat down where they entered, some scattered; others stood. I was frightened, for I knew and felt we were in danger, they looked so mad and mean as if they would tear us in pieces.

The Spirit of the Lord came on me, I stepped up on the altar, and stood looking at them, then began talking as the Spirit gave utterance. I began to walk slowly down the long altar that led down amongst them, talking as the Spirit gave utterance, with power. The Holy Ghost had control of my whole body, arms,