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give the Last Call to the Gentile sinners, the Last Call to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, for His wife is about ready to enter into the marriage relation, and the door will be closed never to be opened again; and to get those who have been called to be established, to be faithful and true, that they may be anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power, and sealed with the proper knowledge of His coming, and of their great work during the millennial reign of one thousand years, when the saints shall judge the world and angels, when all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

The Lord showed me He would enlighten and reveal these things to me by His Word; through the Spirit He would write them in my forehead, or mind and heart. He touched my mouth with his thumb and finger, showing me he would put words in my mouth, and give me wisdom to explain these things as fast as he gave them to me, that this was, and is his due time when we must know these things. He put his loving arms around me, showing his loving care and protection, that He gave me a new lease of life for this work, which was to be devoted to this preparation work of warning the people, and getting the Bride ready.

I have been very near death several times, but the memory of the wonderful vision has inspired me to new life. I have been wonderfully enlightened during all these years. I understand all these things better every day, as God is leading me to separate the Wheat from the Tares with his word and by His Spirit. Christ, the Great Reaper in white, clothed in power, is with me in this great Harvest Work. He gives me the light every day. The time is very short! The Lord is showing me many things on this line. I never loved the blessed loving Father so much as now. I never had an idea that his plans were so great and glorious. Oh! praise His Name forever.

The Lord revealed to me in this vision many vicissitudes and changes that I would pass through in the following four years of my life. These revelations have and are being fulfilled.


It has been fifteen years since the Lord gave me this vision. Read it carefully and see if you do not see the Hand of God, and know that God gave the vision. See how the Lord gave me