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the love that He once had for mankind; and that under the same circumstances and conditions will do as much for us as He ever did for anyone else.

“We repeat that the doctrine and belief in “The Immutability of an Omnipotent God” is one of the Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Religion, which has been adhered to all down the ages, by the Christian Church of all denominations; and that no one can deny that God reveals Himself in Visions to His servants, and remain an orthodox Christian.” See Sermon on Visions and Trances.


I saw the awful destruction of the world. It was thundering and lightning. It was raining and hailing. The water was all gushing in all directions. There were crowds of people, but it seemed as though there was not a saint on the earth. It was dark physically and spiritually. There were great armies of people, and multitudes of soldiers dressed in uniforms. There were also people running and rushing in the streets in every direction.

I also saw bolts falling from heaven which struck the houses, and they flew to pieces in every direction.

At another time there were a great many of us here all worshipping God. We were all in white, but some seemed whiter than others. Those that were white were translated and went up, and the others, that were not white enough, looked and longed to go up, but were not white enough to be caught away from the Great Tribulation, to meet the Lord in the air. I recognized a few of them.

There are some of you not white enough before God, while you are claiming to be His followers. I learned from this that some of you professing Christians would be left behind.

One night I saw the beast mentioned in the thirteenth chapter of Revelations. At another time. I saw Enoch and Elijah, the two witnesses. Their names were written on them. Oh, the power that they had. We were lifted up above the world. There were fires of Judgment flashing all over the world. Oh, the groaning and wailing that there was at that time!

A wonderful power raised up at last, and those prophets seemed to be killed. They dropped and lay, and then a cry was made. Later I saw them get up.