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place where the Lord lay. Go quickly, and tell his disciples that the Lord is risen.”

As they went with great joy, Jesus met them, saying, “Fear not, but go and tell my brethren that I will meet them in Galilee.”

The women were commanded by the angels, and later by the Lord himself, to preach the first news of the Resurrection.

No, He is not dead. The Lord is risen indeed. Oh! praise God for a living Christ, a living Church, aad our Soon Coming King and Lord.

The graves were opened and many of the bodies of the saints, that slept in their graves, arose and came out after his Resurrection, and went into the city, and appeared to many,

The Jewish church had forsaken the Lord, and he had taken his Spirit from her. For about four hundred years she was in darkness. There were no prophets, no priests, and no communication from heaven, until the birth of John the Baptist, and Christ’s birth were announced.

It says “Many of the Saints,” many would mean thousands or more, and we have every reason to believe that most of those saints were the prophets, and priests. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph; and those holy men of old, who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, including John the Baptist, who had lately been murdered for Jesus’ sake.

Oh! Praise God for the resurrection of these mighty men of old. Their bodies came up, and their spirits were united to them. They were living men, breathing, and walking, and their bodies were free from corruption. See them going through the streets of Jerusalem, going from one place to another, and making themselves known.

Oh! Praise God for the resurrection of our bodies, and that we shall know each other.

Yes, the devil held their bodies captive for hundreds of years in the grave. But see the mighty Conquerer break the chains, take them captive from the devil, and from the power of the grave, and leading captivity captive, take them away to some other world, where no doubt God is using them in some great way, for his glory.

He did not take them heaven when he went, for no one had ascended to heaven. Those who are raised at His coming will be the first fruits of the resurrection. No one has ever gone to