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know now for ourselves,” and, like the Queen of Sheba, said “The half was not told.”

My dear sister in Christ, as you hear these words may the Spirit of God come upon you, and make you willing to do the work the Lord has assigned to you. It is high time for women to let their lights shine; to bring out their talents that have been hidden away rusting, and use them for the glory of God, and do with their might what their hands find to do, trusting God for strength, who has said, “I will never leave you.”

Oh, the fields are white, for the harvest is great and ripe, and it is ready for the gospel sickle; oh, where are the laborers to gather the golden grain into the Master’s garner?

The world is dying, the grave is filling, hell is boasting; it will all be over soon.

God left the glorious work of saving souls in the hands of the church. What is the church composed of? Men, women and children. We are putting up a building of God; every one has a part in this building; if we cannot be a pillar or cornerstone, let us be a spike or a nail or a brick; let us not despise the day of small things. Whatever we do for Jesus, with the right motive, is precious in his sight. God’s church is a workshop; no idlers allowed there. There should be bills posted, “To work, to work. Every one at his post.” You and I should say when Satan tempts us, like Nehemiah, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. I am commissioned by the King of Heaven to work for him.” The work is great and the time is short. He offers a great reward. Like the blind man, we will tell what God has done for us. “Once I was blind, now I can see.”

“The Spirit and the bride say, come. And let him that heareth say, come. * * * And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”

If we have been, like David, taken away from that horrible pit, over which we were hanging by the thread of life; if our feet have-been taken out of the mire and clay; if the chains of Satan which were around us, like brass and iron, have been broken; if our feet have been set on solid rock, and a new song put into our mouths; if we have been adopted into the family of God, of which part are in Heaven and part on earth; if our names are written in the Book of Life, then we have the gift of eternal life, we are heirs to the bank of Heaven, to an eternal