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The Resurrection and Atonement are the key-notes of the New Testament.

We believe we are living in the last days, that the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

A prophetic conference met in New York, November, 1878— there were one hundred and forty bishops and ministers from the different states and across the waters—to compare the prophecies referring to the coming of Christ. They concluded that Daniel’s “seventy weeks” had about expired.

Daniel spoke of many things that the angel revealed to him that should take place before the coming of Christ that have already come to pass.

He spoke of the loss of life and property by fire and floods. Whole towns have been swept away, thousands and thousands of families have been left homeless and without a penny by these destroying elements. The last year was called the black year; over two hundred thousand were swept into eternity by accidents and pestilence. Over one hundred thousand were swallowed up in a terrible earthquake.

“So likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is nigh, even at the doors.” (Matt. 24.33.)

As Jesus sat upon the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came unto Him privately, saying: “Tell us, when shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

And Jesus answered and said unto them: “Take heed that no man deceiveth you, for many shall come in My name saying I am Christ, and shall deceive many.” (Matt. 24.3-4.)

It is said there are thirty-two persons in the world today claiming to be the Christ and each of these have a large following. Perhaps the most notable of them all is a Persian, Abdul Baha, whose home is in the Valley of Akka, and who is the founder of the Bahaian Movement, a false system of religion which has spread over the United States during the past few years, and which has caused many of our best educated and cultured men and women to worship at his shrine.

Some of our wealthiest people in New York and Boston have made especial trips to Persia for the sole purpose of obtaining an interview with this false Christ and they have brought back to the United States, teachers and followers of this cult and have