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the days of Lot, they bought and sold, builded and mocked at God’s messengers, and although God sent angels to warn them, only eight were saved from the storm of fire and brimstone; so it shall be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Jesus says that time will not come except there will be a falling away in the churches. False teachers will rise up, having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away. There are hundreds of such teachers today. They are blind leaders of the blind. They are going down to hell together. This is a visible sign of the coming of Christ.

Since the late war our churches have been decreasing in spiritual power and growing rich in fine houses, swelling the membership, but making little effort to get the people converted; taking in members without conversion—dead weights.

Jesus will send his angels to gather the wheat from the tares; God help us, dear friends, to be among the wheat.

“The sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars of heaven shall fall.” These signs have been remarkably fulfilled. Thousands are living who saw the grand display of celestial fireworks, when the heavens and earth were covered with fire-balls; people thought the Day of Judgment had come; a wonderful excitement prevailed; men, women and children were crying for mercy; some took their own lives, others became insane.

Many remember, when the sun was darkened, it began to grow dark at ten, and at twelve it was so dark the lanterns were lighted, the fowls went to roost, the frogs began to peep, the cattle came lowing into the barnyards, the moon was full, yet it was so dark one could not discern white paper from black velvet, and it lasted fourteen hours. “Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled.” This generation that has seen all these things shall live to see Christ coming; every prophecy is being fulfilled except those that shall take place at his coming.

Also in a spiritual sense; the sun of righteousness has gone down, or out of, most of all the churches.

The moonlight is very pale; black, spiritual darkness is settling down all over the land; it is so thick that it can be felt. The old serpent is dragging down many bright lights, or stars.

Many bright lights are going out in awful darkness. We see