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spears into pruning hooks,” “Get ready for a time of great farming.”

The one to prepare for the greatest battle the world has ever heard of; the other refers to the time when war shall be no more.

The first text in this sermon, Prepare for War; Wake up the mighty men of war. Let the nations gather together for battle, refers to this time of the end that we are now living in, when the gentile time is full or closing.

You see the awful slaughter, massacre, deadly hatred, causing them to kill and-destroy each other. God has risen up like a mighty man of war. He shall roar and shout out from Jerusalem till all nations are gathered in deadly combat, till the blood flows like a river.

In the text in Joel the call is primarily to the Holy Land, where the great battle of God Almighty will be fought. The battle of the great Day of God while the angel is standing in the sun, calling all the fowls of the air to come to the Supper of the Great God, to eat the flesh of all the mighty men, the great men of the world, and the rich men. They are invited to eat and drink the blood and get fat on the flesh, on the carcases of kings and princes of the world, who will soon fall in the notable day of the Lord.

The Lord shall awake and shout out as a man of war. He shall roar out of Zion, and shall utter His voice from Jerusalem. The heavens shall shake and the earth, when the nations are gathering for this great battle with the Lamb and His army from heaven.

John says, “I saw heaven opened, and beheld a white horse, and Him that sat upon him. His eyes were as a flame of fire. On His head were many crowns, and He was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood. And the armies which were in heaven followed Him on white horses, clothed in white linen, white and clean.

Oh, praise the Lord! the saints have been translated to heaven. The marriage of the Lamb and His Bride has taken place, with shouting and hallelujahs that have shaken all heaven and earth. The great Marriage Supper, with all its grandeur, and glory, and greatness is over. And they have been with the Lord executing judgments on the earth during the awful tribulation.

Now the cup of wickedness is full. They have defied the God of Heaven long enough. He has stood up in His wrath. All