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coming. “They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars. But they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament.” They that be wise shall know.

Don’t be looking to the grave. Look, for behold He cometh. Oh, Glory to God in the Highest. Come, Oh Redeemer, come quickly.


World's Great War Tragedy Is Filled With Bloody Scenes

Every man in a French force penetrating Ft. Douaumont was killed in a German charge.

Men are fighting in dark, underground tunnels, using hand searchlights and knives and bombs.

Hundreds of French and Germans have been buried alive in the wrecking of underground works by shell fire.

Scores have gone insane from the lust of the horrible butchery.

Surgeons, amputating arms and legs without anaesthetics, report wounded French and Germans continuing the struggle with knives though unable to stand.

A French captain reported 7,000 dead heaped along a 700-yard front.”—Extract from Daily Paper, U. S. A., 1916.

MAY, 1916

“Preparedness” The Cry of the hour in New York

The civilians in the mammoth preparedness demonstration in New York last Saturday are shown passing the New York Public Library. An idea of is magnitude may be gained when it is remembered that the marching columns composed of twenty men abreast extended for twenty miles.

Marshalling of the Nations

By common consent, the European war was written down from its very beginning as the greatest titanic struggle ever waged by man; such a marshalling of the nations was never before seen on earth.

After eighteen months’ conflict; President Wilson said in an address at Cleveland, Ohio, January 29th, 1916: “While a year ago it seemed impossible that a struggle upon such a large scale16