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A Few words about the wonderful work of God in San Antonio, Texas. The power often came like on Pentecost. The people were tossed about by the power of God as if by a windstorm, and they seemed light as a feather. Their faces shone, and were looking up to heaven, like Stephen, seeing visions of Jews sitting on the right hand of God. God revealed Himself in many wonderful ways, as Jesus said he would, and showed us “things to come.” The last night of the meeting the power filled the house, from the opening until late at night, so that we could hardly close at all. It seemed that the Lord took hold of every one that came into the house. Sinners were struck with deep conviction; they began to weep and rush to the altar. The whole house was soon one altar, souls weeping their way to Christ in all parts of the house. Many got the baptism of the Holy Ghost standing or walking around. Several soldiers were saved, got the baptism and then got on benches or pulpit and began to preach and prophesy, speaking like the voice of God in other tongues; some interpreting, telling the wonderful works of God; little children were preaching and prophesying. I really felt as if we were going to be taken up in the rapture.

Dear Brother, Fred Lohman, the minister, was. filled with God. He was a noble soldier, stood so nobly by and helped to push the battle on to the gates of victory. People talked much about going to heaven. I want to bring heaven down.

A bishop of the Church of England and his wife, who had been attending the meetings, came in, got half way up to the pulpit, was struck with the power of God and held in the aisle, standing amazed at the wonderful display of the presence of God. Ministers all stood like the priests of old; they could not move or work, for the glory and presence of God filled the House of the Lord.

I felt we could not stand it much longer.