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(Copied from “Triumphs of Faith”)

We had the privilege of attending all of Mrs. Etter’s meetings in Oakland during her six days’ stay in this city. The meetings were held in Castle Hall, 387 Twelfth street, a comfortable, well ventilated hall, seating several hundred. The services were well attended. Mrs. Etter gave Bible addresses on the New Birth, A Victorious Life in Christ, the Double Cure—or Healing for Soul and Body, the Coming of the Lord, and kindred topics. Often for more than an hour at a time she would give teachings from the word of God, and the power of God would so hold the audience from beginning to end that scarcely a person would leave before the close.

The altar services were remarkable, large numbers crowding forward for Spiritual blessings, and healing of the body. So many desired healing that it was impossible for Mrs. Etter to pray personally with each one, but she laid her hands on a large number at nearly every altar service, and prayed the prayer of faith for them. Many of these seemed very ill, and we often noticed a great change in their outward appearance, after prayer had been offered for them. We also heard many say that they had been wonderfully relieved from suffering. It was quite marvelous at times to note the different expression on the face, as the light of God came into the soul, through some teaching given at the moment by Mrs. Etter.

Quite a number of these suffering ones came from a distance, returning after prayer had been offered, and so we did not see them again.

We conversed with a young woman who was instantly healed of deafness. She said she had been partly deaf for fifteen years, and very deaf for three years. She heard me as I conversed with her in an ordinary tone, and she seemed very happy, and full of praise. Mrs. Etter had commanded the deaf demon to come out of her ears, in the name of Jesus.

A man whom we knew, was healed of deafness, with which he had been afflicted for more than fifty years. He thought I must be shouting at him, when I talked in an ordinary tone. He was delighted that he could hear people conversing as he passed them on the street. One little boy who was afflicted with a cleft