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(Copied from “The Way of Faith,” Dec. 18, 1913.)

The Lord is wonderfully working here in Memphis, beginning with the first meeting, a week ago Sunday. His Spirit was poured out in a striking way, healing many sick ones. He blesses Sister Etter, giving out the Word. Her mission is to call God’s people together, they are coming from many States, as they do to all her meetings. There are people here who were healed a year ago in the Dallas meeting. Also a sister who was healed in the San Antonio meeting. Here is her testimony:

“Though it has been nearly a year since I was healed, my testimony has never been printed in any paper, but feeling it is my duty to God and man, I now send it. In the fall of 1912, a hard lump appeared in both my breasts. My home physician treated me for several weeks, and the lumps kept getting larger, and the swelling around them kept spreading out on my body and arms. He sent me to a specialist at Winona, Miss., and after examination he pronounced my trouble cancer, and wrote my home physician, and sent the letter by me, and he read the letter to us at home when I gave it to him. It said, “I find Miss Ray to be suffering from malignant cancer in both breasts, etc., and I have advised her that her only hope of cure is an immediate surgical operation. This was in October and I put off the operation until June 18, 1913, and went to Sister Etter at San Antonio, Texas, and she laid her hands on me and prayed. The lumps and swelling went and I was healed. I have been praising God ever since.” Miss Carrie Ray.


Grace and Truth Assembly, Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1913.

God has been mightily in our midst during the past week, showing Himself mighty to deliver from sin and sickness, and

baptizing in the Holy Ghost. Crowds have been coming. The