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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

bers have been healed while sitting in their seats. The power of God is also falling on the people, and sinners are being saved in their homes.

Last Tuesday, a prominent physician from Alabama brought his daughter for healing. He is a doctor and surgeon and has taken his daughter to the best physicians in the country. She has been operated upon eight times. She has taken fifteen different anesthetics, and has suffered the loss of one limb. Her remaining limb was all crooked with rheumatism. When prayed for, almost immediately the crooked limb straightened out, she raised her eyes to heaven, and with tears in her eyes, began shouting, “I am healed! It is straight! It is straight!” Nearly every one in the tent was in tears, and there was a good crowd for an afternoon meeting. The doctor was so pleased and testified; he wanted all the Lord had for him. At the night service he was down at the altar, seeking his baptism.

I want to thank those who are making it possible for us to send Sister Etter’s Book to the foreign fields. Fifteen books will go out this week. We are getting testimonies now, from those we have already sent, of the blessings they are bringing to those receiving.

I am certain it will. be a wonderful way to reach the heathen, through Divine Healing; so continue to pray that the Lord will send us money to send the book out till every foreign missionary shall have received a copy. I remain in Him, your brother


(Copied from “The Christian Evangel,” Jan. 31, 1914)

The interest in the meetings continues without a lull. A number have testified to having attended Moody and Sankey meetings, Sam Jones’ meetings, all the big meetings that have been held here for the past twenty-five years, but never have they seen one to equal Sister Etter’s meeting. Crowds throng the outside of the tent every night and tomorrow they will add tent space enough to hold four hundred more people.

The Lord has marvelously healed many during the meeting. A very wonderful healing was that of a cotton buyer, well known

in Meridian, who had rheumatism for twenty nine years, and