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The meeting at Petoskey, Michigan, was great in many ways, from first to last. It is a summer resort. The meetings at this place were not advertised long before the large, beautiful tent was put up with many small ones. There were no street cars; everybody had to walk from the main part of the town, this was much against the meetings, but the power soon fell and God drew the people.

This meeting was noted for sinners coming to Christ. In the first service, several old people, and some very prominent citizens were brightly converted. There were some great healings, great miracles the people called it, some were also struck down by the power of God. It was soon noised abroad that God was visiting the place. The interest increased at every service; these old men and women testified with bright faces and ringing voices. Praising God that, their names were written in heaven. Many of these got the “double cure,” were made whole of all their diseases, and received the resurrection life.

Ministers, evangelists, workers, and all classes came from many states, and were healed. Many were baptized with the Holy Ghost and received gifts of the Spirit, and fresh anointings. They also got the gifts stirred up and went forth from the meetings to publish the word, and tell what great things God had wrought.

We have heard many wonderful reports of good works from those who scattered the Holy Fire.

The heavenly choir was glorious. It was as if heaven had come down and the angelic choir had joined in with the redeemed of the Lord, having many invisible instruments. The large platform was filled with baptized saints, with their bright faces looking up to God, holding up holy hands. Bright lights were often seen over them. Jesus was seen. by many of them standing or walking in their midst. Musical instruments (Spiritual) were heard away back to the rear of the tent. A thousand or more were present; a holy stillness and a spirit of awe settled over the

audience; they knew that God was in the midst. Two or three