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After spending sometime in waiting before the Lord to be sure that He wanted me to accept the earnest call from Brother Hall and the saints to go the third time to hold another convention in the wicked city of Chicago when there were so many calls waiting for a date, to come to other states and cities; I was led to decide to go. Brother Hall came to my home in Indiana, and the Lord greatly blessed us in prayers and I felt convinced the Lord was leading me to give Chicago one more warning to prepare to meet Him. The dear brother secured the largest church available in the city, and ministers and saints came from all over the city, and also from many other states.

Among those who assisted was Brother Frazer of the Stone Church, and Sister Sisson, who has been much used and blessed of the Master too, and has labored in foreign fields, also assisted me in several other States. May the Lord add days and months to her life and make her flourishing, bearing much fruit in old age. Many messages and prophecies were given, both in English and “other tongues” of the soon coming of the Lord Jesus, and “the great tribulation,” and of the awful war, that is now on, and many other things that have already come to pass now in less than a year.

Several had a vision of the dreadful calamity that came a few days after the meeting closed, when the pleasure boat capsized on Lake Michigan, and hundreds of people lost their lives. They told again and again that a great calamity was at the door. It was told that some of those present, who were mocking would go down. The strike, which came on before we left, was foretold: many got their last call of mercy., The next will be at the judgment.

Jesus said, “The works that I do, they are they which testify of me, and the Father, who is with me, He doeth the works, now you have no cloak for your sins; you stand guilty and naked before
