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Where God so Wonderfully Blessed in a Revival Years Before

We were in St. Louis two weeks and held meetings twice a day and we had a glorious reunion with the dear saints who had been saved and healed and blessed in our former meetings in St. Louis, many from the noted “Kerry Patch” meeting twenty-seven years ago, and they all came together in love and fellowship, praising God for sparing my life, and theirs, to meet together once more to build up the temple of the Lord. The convicting, saving and healing power of the Lord was poured out on the meeting; many received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, and sinners were slain by the mighty power of God. Many of the saints were led down in “green pastures,” having visions and “things to come” were revealed, with great demonstrations and divers gifts and operations of the Spirit. The crowds could not get into the hall; part of them had to stand on the outside, and part of the time they were held still and looked on in amazement. Bro. Bosworth of Texas was with us and assisted in the meeting, and many other ministers, also. There was no discord to disturb at all. All felt at home and that heaven had come down, and that the Lord of Hosts was present “confirming His Word with signs following.” Bros. Bell and Flower and Sister Flower were also present and helped. The Lord gave some messages in “other tongues” with power, eloquently and fluently, through Sister Flower. She is a power in the Hand of the Lord. She was wonderfully used in speaking in “other tongues” and in interpretations. Many others gave prophecies, messages and warnings, and telling the wonderful works of God, and of awful judgments coming on the world. It is nearly a year now since and many of the terrible things have already come to pass; many more will soon follow.

Some were in the holy dance with such grace and lightness, and the glory of the Lord shining in their faces and all over and around them. Dear Sister Ball, that was healed of consumption in Atlanta the year before, looked like an angel, everybody said.

Her golden hair fell like a silken veil over her shoulders. She