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Revival Spreads. We Move from Church to Big Theatre

From San Diego we went to San Francisco. Brother Craig met us, and took us to his home of faith. There we were made to feel at home, and everything was done for our comfort. Many saints came to the home and we had blessed fellowship; the sweet peace of God was always present all over the house.

The meeting commenced with power. The saints had been praying much, and they made every sacrifice to push the battle through to victory. The Lord was present to confirm His Word with visible signs of His invisible Presence. The people came and heard, saw, and wondered. Fear and conviction fell day after day and the people were made to say, “Surely God is in our midst.” The altar was crowded daily; they came from all parts, and were saved, healed, filled with God, and baptized in the Holy Ghost. When their friends saw what a change had taken place, many of them started at once to attend the meeting. The interest grew. People of all classes were saved, including Jews. One afternoon, as we entered the theatre where our meeting was held, the minister met us at the door. He told us that they had brought a woman in an auto, and that the last six dollars they had had been given him to bring her, and he would not wait for the meeting, and placed the sick woman in the aisle nearest the entrance. It was a sad sight. The woman had two little children and she had not walked alone for four years. She was afflicted with many diseases. Her husband was also badly diseased, and discouraged. She knew it was her last chance, so she had faith as we pointed her to the loving Saviour, and prayed the prayer of faith, and laid on hands, the unclean spirits left her, the healing virtue came and swept through and over her, and she knew she was healed. She stood up, walked and shouted. “Glory to God!” Her husband began to praise the Lord, and he, too, was healed. She took up her child and walked out to the

auto, As I went forward to the platform, I saw them carry a