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While at Lima, Ohio, I attended a surprise party on Father P., it being his eighty-third birthday. About one hundred and sixty took dinner in a beautiful grove near the house. Several of the oldest settlers in the county were present. After the old gentleman had been loaded with presents, I opened the meeting with singing. Father R., the first settler in Van Wert county, led in prayer. I preached from the text, "We are Pilgrims and Strangers," after which we had a praise meeting. Nine rose for the prayers of God's people. We closed by singing, "Oh, Think of the Home Over There," and shaking hands. We felt that we would never meet again in that glorious gathering; but if faithful we will all meet on the Golden Shore, where we never more shall say good-bye.

At Bro. B.'s request we went to Zion, Olive Branch Circuit, in May, and commenced a meeting which continued two weeks. I found a few names on the class book, but they were scattered. Only two or three faithful ones could be found. They, with their pastor, were discouraged. They had so much opposition to contend with, that they thought Zion would never rise and shine. But I held on by faith, and the walls began to go up. Although it was in corn planting time, I had meeting day and night. The meetings were well attended. On Sabbath the house was full, and in the evening they could not all get into the house. God's people were very much revived, and back-sliders were reclaimed, and many came out in the true light.

A few days after the meeting closed, a man was thrown from his horse near the church and killed. I believe it was a warning from God to those who were fighting conviction. He was out of Christ, and no doubt took a leap in the dark. Dear reader, how is it with you? If the Pale Messenger of Death should come for you to-day, would you take a leap into Eternity, and hear the Judge say: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting punishment, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth," or would you go shouting home to glory? God help you to make

Heaven your home.