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Petoskey Meeting Is In Session While Book Is On Press

Just an added page as the new book goes to press. In the midst of many calls from the north, south, east and west, the Spirit has drawn me the second time to Petoskey, in northern Michigan. God is working mightily in our midst, and yet there is more to follow.

Remarkable visions are given with testimonies. Lights are seen in different parts of the tabernacle; also angels hovering over the mercy-seat. Wonderful healings are taking place daily. Crooked limbs are straightened; eyesight restored; the lame made to leap for joy; demons cast out; and God places His seal on the work.

Who shall say aught against God’s elect? It is the Spirit that beareth witness. Mockers are silenced. Unbelievers are confounded; the proud are humbled, and “blessed are the meek.”

Yes, and glory be to God, that I, under this widespread can- vas and waving forest, am permitted on this 22nd day of July, to count another milestone to my three score and eleven years—with vigorous pulse beatings and feet swift to respond to the Spirit’s call. Sometimes it seems this prison-house of clay must break and my ransomed spirit soar to everlasting bliss. But no, what greater bliss than to lead souls into the kingdom, and hear the chants of new-born souls. What greater honor than to be a messenger to tell the “Glad Tidings” and blow the Gospel Trumpet.

To Mary He said, “Go and tell,” and He still honors His handmaidens. Glory to His Holy Name!

Stephen Feith, of 1164 Grenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., came to the meeting. He had been badly afflicted for two and a half years, with inflammatory rheumatism. His foot had been badly swollen and drawn out of shape, suffering pain in it continually. In these few years he lost about $700 by not being able to work. On his journey up here they assisted him as a cripple. The Lord made it plain to him and his wife that he must come to these meetings to be healed. On the journey, God gave him

Scripture texts, showing him that he would get his healing.