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Signs and Wonders

dear brethren and sisters, fathers and mothers, and the young people, who were almost like my own children, so strong and steadfast, and determined, by the grace of God, to go on till they got into the beautiful city of God.

While holding meeting at Wood's Chapel, I went with several brethren and sisters to visit an old man who was not able to go to church. He had been seeking the Lord for some time, but was not satisfied.. He sent for me. He could hardly wait till I got there. He met me at the door. He was very feeble. The house was full, and we had a very solemn time. The old man was saved; he exhorted and praised God. Two other men were converted, and we were all made to rejoice and praise the Lord. There were shouts in heaven as the angels took the news back that the prodigal was coming home.

One night, at the close of the meeting, a messenger came, saying he was dead, and reqested me to come and preach his funeral. It rained all night, and when I started it was still raining. I had to ride eight miles; I was hardly able to sit up. I knew the house would be crowded, and so I found it. I felt very weak, but I trusted in God, and looked to him to give me strength and voice. The words came to me: "And desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets."—Ecclesiastes xii. 5.

I attended the eldership of the Church of God, which convened at Columbia City, Indiana, in September, 1884, where we met many of the brethren from the different places where we had held meetings. One of the converts was licensed to preach, and two were preaching who had been elected elders in the church.

I was ordained eldress with the authority to administer the ordinances and to solemnize matrimony. My earnest prayer is that I may live low at the Master's feet, as clay in the potter's hands, fit for the Master's use.

I was called on to preach. It was quite a cross. I had preached in the presence of as many or more ministers, but I was much exhausted from constant labor. I spoke from the text: "Here am I; send me." God gave me liberty, power and voice. Oh, praise the Lord for his goodness and help in every time of trouble. How wonderfully he has verified his promise: "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end."