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Signs and Wonders

five names were enrolled. Hundreds came and took them by the hand in Christian fellowship. It was a sight perhaps no one on the camp-ground had ever witnessed before.

By an earnest request from a number of business men of the city, we held the closing meeting on the court-house steps. As we looked down over the court-house yard and street, we could see a crowded mass of up-turned faces, and from all the stores and windows, eager to see and hear. I praise God for standing by me in that trying hour. It took grace and courage for me to stand on those high steps. There were ministers, lawyers, doctors and reporters all around me. After so many months of constant labor, I was very weak and nervous, but God gave me voice clear and strong. I could be heard blocks away.

While holding meeting at Anderson the ministers of the different churches at Farmland formed a committee, and came to Anderson to try to persuade me to go back. They said they had all seen the good results of the ten days’ meeting I had held there, that there was a great change in the community for good, and the churches were wonderfully revived and strengthened, and those who stood back before were now ready to come to the front and do all they could to help me. I felt it was the Lord’s will for me to go. When I closed the meeting at Anderson. I went and commenced a camp-meeting in a better grove than the one we held the first meeting in, the good results of which eternity alone can tell. Nearly all the ministers of the village came to the front and fought the battle side by side with me.

Hundreds were converted, many. aged ones. I don’t think there were a dozen converted that were not over eighteen years of age. I think half of all that were saved were forty years of age.

“Signs and wonders” truly followed. The Holy Ghost came in slaying melting, anointing and healing power.

Praise the Lord for his wonderful works and the create harvest of souls gathered at Farmland.

The ministers and old people said there never had been such a revival in that part of the country; that there had never been such an outpouring of the Holy Ghost; never such signs and wonders followed; never such an ingathering of souls.