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Signs and Wonders

they could see and hear. There were no seats, young and old had to stand, but they seemed glad to get a place to stand. Scores of these were very old; they wept and shouted and praised God that they were permitted to live to see a real Pentecost revival. Day after day the power of the Lord swept over the congregation till many times they were shaken like grain in a storm. These meetings as in all other places, looked like a battle-field; the slain of the Lord could be seen lying all around, and sinners weeping their way to Calvary, amid the shouts of victory, the howling and growling of the enemy that was driven from the field.

Having long felt impressed that it was my duty to commence a work for the Master at the Capital of Indiana, we went from Muncie to that city and inaugurated what proved to be the hardest contested battle I ever fought for King Jesus.


On a cold December night we threw our banner to the breeze in the Meridian Rink, at Indianapolis. I think I am safe in saying no one ever commenced a revival meeting in that place with as little sympathy and as much opposition as we did. The powers of darkness were all in battle array against us, but in the midst of all the trying circumstances and fiery darts thrust at us on all sides by the enemy, we continually looked to Jesus, and, though the battle was long and hard, we had a grand victory.

It was just two weeks before Christmas and the churches were all having one social after another, preparing to have a big time the holidays; and most of them were thinking of everything else but a revival of Holy Ghost religion. Nearly all the people had their minds on Christmas, and their time was taken up in some way. I could see multitudes of souls all around, rushing down to an awful hell; could see the funeral passing every day, many of them taking a leap in the dark. Instead of looking at the dark side of all these things and getting discouraged, I felt my responsibility that much heavier, and said, in the strength of our God, we will go forward. About three days before we went to the city the United Brethren church house burned down. The minister and his members came up to the help of the Lord against the mighty. The salt of the city, as they heard of the battle,