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"Yes! And the time the Shoal froze, and Fogger walked a little way on it?"

"Indeed I do! We couldn't get in with the boats and didn't have any mail or anything for a week!"

"Yes. And, Mudder, remember the time the birds came? One night, Joan, ever so many millions of birds that were going south came and fluttered and fluttered up against the lantern in the mist. The poor birds!"

"And do you remember the time that I didn't know it was so cold, and let you row in with Fogger, and you almost frosted your fingers?"

Garth shivered.

"That was cold!" he said. "But I liked it best when we had to light lamps so early and Fogger read aloud."

"Dear me!" cried Joan; "it all sounds nearly as nice as the Light in summertime! What a lucky family you are!"

"Wouldn't it be awful, Mudder," said Garth, "if we ever had to live in a town!"

The afternoon grew mellow and golden, and far off, faint rosy sails gleamed just over the edge of the world. The kittiwakes wheeled and cried above Hy Brasail, and the rising tide