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"WE'RE in for it!" Jim cried, as he dashed through the living-room in dripping oilskins. He shed slicker and sou'wester in the passage, and returned to sit down at the breakfast-table.

"I hope you don't mind the rubber-boots," he said to Joan, who passed him the toast; "I shall have to go out again immediately after breakfast, and it's such a bore to climb in and out of the things."

"Are we going to have bad weather?" she asked.

"Fairly stiff for a summer storm, I imagine," he answered. "I'll haul the little boats out, Elspeth, and I think I'll moor the Ailouros closer in, so that she'll get the lee of the rock. It's a good thing you went to town when you did, Miss Kirkland, before this came up. Hi! Hear it rain!"

A sudden torrent drove across the window-