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sit on the gunwale; and that they conduct themselves in a seamanlike and proper manner.'"

A sailor standing just outside the canopy emitted a smothered chuckle.

"I reckon Garth's right about my having to salute you, sir!" grinned Steve.

In the course of the trip it transpired that Steve had shore-leave until half past eight that evening, and it took little persuasion to induce him to have supper at the Light.

"Some of us will set you out to the Billington afterward," Jim assured him, "so you needn't worry about getting back."

"Hooray!" cried Steve. "That's just about fine!"

Consequently, when the launch returned to Silver Shoal, the young officer disembarked with the other passengers.

"It certainly does seem good," he said, when they had sat down to supper, "to get a meal that's like home once in a while. We have great food on the ship, but that's not all that counts."

"What have you chaps been doing since we got into the big fight?" Jim asked. "We've not been seeing much of the Navy lately."

"My!" Steve exclaimed. "I guess not! I