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At the bow of the Billington, and apparently suspended in the sky, gigantic black and white figures capered grotesquely, high above the deck.

"It does look funny off here," Steve admitted. "It's the movies. We have 'em every night. It's Charlie Chaplin just now; we get all the old favorites."

"I never saw any in my life,” said Garth, gazing spell-bound at the ridiculous gyrations of Charlie against the stars.

"Really," Elspeth said, "seeing a moving-picture for the first time would be quite amazing enough, without its being cut out of mid-air on the bosom of the sea! How perfectly extraordinary it looks!"

They were all staring at it so hard that the Cymba nearly ran into the bow of the ship.

"It would have been terrible if we'd run down the Billington and sunk her," Steve said. "Captain Fraser would never have forgiven me. We can come alongside the starboard gangway. In bows! Oars! Way enough! There she is!"

He jumped out of the skiff and executed long-distance hand-shakes with every one.

"I just can't tell you what a bright and shin-