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Sam Cooper's gone, though I misdoubt if he loved her as much as I did."

The Captain shook his head, and then stared suddenly at Garth.

"What fer are ye cryin'?" he exclaimed in dismay. "Oh, 'shaw, I didn't go fer to make ye cry! Be you takin' it bad 'cause the pore ol' Bella went down?"

The old man put his arm awkwardly around Garth, who sniffed dejectedly and murmured something which 'Bijah bent his head to catch.

"'Shaw, don't you fret 'bout me! I guess the Lord A'mighty knows what's best fer us, hey? I hear tell ye're plumb anxious to be a skipper yerself. Guess mebbe most on us has things we hanker after an' don't get." He patted Garth's shoulder with a seamed, brown hand. "Guy! Look at them tears! Guess them mackerel'll think they got back in the ocean, ef ye don't stop cryin' on to 'em!"

They all had to laugh then; spirits revived, and the three were very jolly during the rest of the afternoon. They returned to the lighthouse late in the day, a good heap of fish shining in the cockpit of the Lydia.

"Hi! Look at the mackerel!" cried Jim, holding the bow of the launch against the pier.