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"But Ben," the Captain objected, "there's nothing to tell what rock to land at. It might be anywhere."

"Upon my word, sir," Bobstay agreed, "that's true! But look'ee, here's another paper folded together with this one."

They opened it eagerly, but it was, to all appearances, totally blank. As they turned it this way and that, hoping for a clue, there was a footstep on the rock, and Jim joined the adventurers. He took in the situation at a glance.

"Shiver my spare yard-arm!" said he. "What have we here? Treasure?"

They explained the difficulty of the moment.

"Hm," said Jim. "It's not likely that they'd seal up an empty paper. Mebbe 't is writ with inwisible ink."

"A thought I was just thinkin' myself," Joan agreed.

Garth, quite overcome by the thoroughness of this plot, grasped her ecstatically. Jim fished a box of matches from his pocket.

"Do you hang on to my shoulder, Captain Crosstrees, sir," he commanded, "for a windshield, like, whilst I strike a light here."

He lit a match and held the paper over its flame. In a breathless and expectant silence he