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ragged turf. The streak of white quartz, referred to by Felipe Astores' chart, was hidden from the place where Joan and Garth landed. It lay on the south end of the islet.

When Joan returned, Garth was stretched out upon the sand, resting from the hardships of the voyage.

"All's well, sir," Joan told him. "No sign of a living thing, and if I'm not mistook, I'll wenture I sighted the 'whyte scarre' wot the chart speaks of."

"Well done!" commended the Captain. "Give me a hand up, Ben, please."

She gave him two, and they set off over the shingle, till, sure enough, the white quartz streak gleamed around the jutting rock.

"I takes it they means twenty paces East by South from this yere rock that stands at highwater mark," Bobstay hazarded.

She drew a line on the sand in the direction indicated by the compass and proceeded to pace off the distance. Garth was measuring it methodically for himself, with very careful and sadly uneven strides. They brought him to a quite different place than Joan, but he stuck to his own course, and they both turned and headed off South South East.