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trees are blue and misty, and lights begin to come out among them. There are little lights everywhere, like fairy lamps. The Mall is a great avenue that runs through the middle of the Park; that's where the children play. They roll their hoops and race up and down under the tall elms. After they've gone home, lights appear there, too,—very flat, pale ones, that look like moons tangled in the branches. There's a fountain at the end of the Mall, and a great flight of stone steps, and a pond where there are often wild ducks."

"But I thought you were telling me about Town," Garth said.

"I am," Joan assured him; "we're still coming home from the concert."

"Are we?" said Garth. "I didn't know it was like that. May I sit on your lap?"

He held out his hands to her, and she helped him up and gathered him on to her knees. He slid an arm about her neck.

"The Park's nice," he said. "Go on, please."

"And the Fifth Avenue 'bus!" she said, suddenly. "Did you ever ride in one, Garth?" He shook his head. "Well, they're automobiles with an upstairs, you know. You scram-