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and Cap'n 'Bijah shouted "Ahoy, thar!" The house-door opened at once, and a woman stood outlined against the orange light within.

"Is that you, Cap'n 'Bijah!" she called. "Do you want to see my husband? He's up in the lantern, but I'll fetch him."

Then she saw Joan and came down to the pier, looking inquiringly at Captain Dawson.

"I ain't got no business with the Keeper," he drawled, "but I took the liberty, Mis' Pemberley, of bringin' you out a pore young lady that ain't got nowhars to sleep. The hotel couldn't hev her, an' none o' the Quimpawg folks could, an' I guess she thought mebbe she'd hev to sleep on a lobster-pot." He gave a rumbly chuckle. "But you know how I allus says, 'Never too late to mend,' an' I thought mebbe you'd take her in. I ain't much up on the Rules an' Reg'lations, but I reckoned you could figger on her like she was a shipwrecked reffygee, or suthin'. Mis' Pemberley, Miss Kirklan'. Miss Kirklan', Mis' Pemberley."

The lightkeeper's wife tossed a wisp of dark hair out of her eyes and shook hands with Joan, while Cap'n 'Bijah gathered up the bag expectantly.

"You poor person!" she said. "What a sad