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the west. But they all learned that the way of this whip was swift and terrible and it called for swift obedience. But Gordet was a just man and he never punished without cause.

So the one event in the life of the four dogs as the ship ploughed her way through the Pacific was feeding time. Billy and Whirlwind often put in their time romping and tumbling, for they had to do something. Ginger was too cross to want to take part in any play. Silversheene was too heartsick to care to play. He was not cross, but indifferent. He would lie for hours with his head between his paws, and a far-away look in his brown eyes. At such times the other dogs did not disturb him. He was thinking of the girl in the Adirondacks who had been his first playmate and mistress. In his sleep he would often spring up with a glad bark, only to look about him bewilderedly and then lie down with a dejected air.